2023 Pool Rescue Wrap and Gallery

Congratulations to our Pool Rescue Squad who finished an incredible 2nd overall at the recent State Champs.

Following on from this success, four of our squad have been selected in the Western Suns Team to compete at the 2023 Australian Pool Rescue Champs in Queensland from 4-6 August. A huge congratulations to Kate, Flynn, Charlie, and Hitomi, with Tony and Rob to represent the club in the Masters division. We look forward to hearing all about your further achievements in the pool!!

A huge thanks to Bec Czaplinska and everyone else involved in the training, organisation and coordination of the squad over the Winter months!

Great work Team Cott….. we are super proud!!!


State Champion - Gold

U11 - Isabella 3 Gold (Brick carry, Obstacles and Fins race)

U12- Monty - 3 Gold (Brick carry, Obstacles and Fins race) 

U13 Sophie (Obstacles)

U14 Charlie - 3 Gold (Obstacles, manikin tow and fins race)

U14 Hitomi - 2 gold (Manikin carry and Manikin carry with fins

U15 Kate - Fins race

U17 Sam  2 Gold (Rescue Medley and Fins race)


U10 Patient Tow (Leo and Henry)

U11 Line Throw (Josephine and Isabella)

U12 Patient Tow (Monty and Jack)

U12-13 Brick Carry Relay (Isabella, Lydia, Josephine and Sophie)

U12-13 Medley Relay (Arthur, Jack, Aaron and Monty)

U14/15 relays - 3 gold -in Manikin, Obstacle and Medley Relays (Paige, Charlie, Kate and Hitomi)

U17 Line throw - Flynn and Sam

U17/19 Lifesaver (Imogen, Ashley, Sam and Flynn)

U19 Line Throw (Imogen and Ashley)



U10 - Leo - 3 silvers (Brick Carry, Obstacles and Fins race)

U13 Sophie (Brick Carry)

U14 Hitomi 3 silvers (Obstacles, Manikin Tow and Fins race)

U14 Charlie 2 Silver (Manikin carry and Manikin carry with fins)

U15 Kate (Manikin carry with fins, manikin carry, manikin tow, Rescue medley, Obstacles, Super Lifesaver)

U17 Ashley (Fins race)

U17 Flynn (Manikin carry with fins)

U17 Sam (Obstacles and manikin carry)

U17 Ashley (Manikin Carry)

Open Emily (Obstacles)

Masters Rob (Manikin carry with fins, manikin tow with fins, Obstacles)

Masters Tony (Fins race)


U10-11 Medley and Brick Carry Relays (Henry, Cian, Levi and Leo)

U12-13 )Obstacle and Brick Carry Relays (Arthur, Jack, Aaron and Monty)

U13  Patient tow - Sophie and Lydia

Open relays

  • Lifesaver (Imogen, Ashley, Sam and Flynn)

  • Mens Obstacle and Medley relays (Flynn, sam, Tone and Rob)

  • Female Obstacle relay (Emily, Ashley, Imogen and Kate)



U11 Josephine (Brick Carry and Fins race)

U13 Sophie (Fins race)

U17 Ashley (manikin tow, rescue medley, Super Lifesaver)

U17 Flynn (Manikin tow, Super Lifesaver and Fins race)

Masters Rob (Manikin carry)


U10 Patient Tow (Cian and Levi)

U11 Patient Tow (Josephine and Isabella)

U10-11 Girls Obstacle relay (Isabella, Alila, Josephine and Caoilinn)

U10-11 Boys Obstacle relay (Henry, Cian, Levi and Leo)

U12 Line Throw (Monty and Jack)

U13 Patient Tow (Arthur and Aaron)

U12-13 Medley Relay (Isabella, Lydia, Josephine and Sophie)

General Manager