Club Structure


Cottesloe S.L.S.C. is a not-for-profit community service organisation. The Club is an incorporated body under the Associations Incorporation Act 1987. For more information on our club structure and sub committees we refer to the constitution and ByLaws.

The Club has a Management Committee that meets monthly and is also served by a number of sub-committees, including Lifesaving, Development, Competition, Facilities, Social, Administration, and Finance.

The Annual General Meeting, which all Club members are encouraged to attend, is held in July each year and include confirmation of elected Office Bearers for the following season, distribution of the annual report; and to transact any other such business which may be brought forward.

2024/25 Management Committee

President - Julian Barry

Deputy President - Deb Dean

Treasurer - David Craig

Surf Sports Co-Captains - Karlene Craven

Lifesaving Officer - Calum Leahy

Youth Development Officer - Rebecca Czaplinska

Junior Activities Officer - Imogen Gracie

Education Officer - Ashley Atwell